Monday, August 28, 2006


Alright, when I first heard about the Beta Blogger I was excited, I mean I wanted the added features, especially the ability to use tags and categorize everything.

I was hesitant though, I didn't want to switch over and then end up loosing everything, that would have just crushed my poor soul LOL

But I decided to be brave and here I am, I took the plunge a few minutes ago, just switched over and said "whatever happens, happens". I'm glad I'm still here and I'm glad my blog is still showing as before and everything seems to be in place. WHOOPEE!!!

From first glance, it does look a lot more easy to use and with more fun things, but I haven't tried anything new, will be busy messing around with it this afternoon. So if you do come by and think you see something different, that's because you do. Just giving you all a head's up!!!


mom of 2 said...

Let us know how you like it after you use it for a bit!

Michelle said...

I've been leery about switching over too! Mostly for the fact that I didn't want to lose anything either :) I have noticed a few other bloggers using the beta and so far it seems to be working ok, I might have to join you and take the plunge!

Anonymous said...

Hi you have a nice blog
Thanks for sharing
yes let us know after using it for a while
Wish you well

Christina said...

Ok, I guess I should try it, but with my luck, well you know. If everyone else is getting brave enough why shouldn't I. If I screw it up my hubby will come out of the field and say "why were you messing with it." He is also not too hot at the computer stuff except for work. He is also a creature of habit when it comes to the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Courtney said...

Ok of course I'm the only one who has no clue what you are talking about. LOL!

on the Rock said...

Your blog's looking great!

Sandra said...

Well ladies, so far so good, and it's got a few changes that I'm really enjoying :)

Tammy said...

Hi...visiting your site! I *think* I was here before but had forgotten to bookmark you!

Anyway, your blog looks great! (Ofcourse, I don't remember your other look);) But, honestly, I like it a lot!

I see on your sidebar that you're a miliary wife? I use to be, before kids. I think it would be so much more challenging with kids!

My girls are 4 and 7, by the way. Drop by anytime...
It was fun visiting your site- bookmarked now! :)

LaughterThoughts said...

Let me know what you think of Beta. I, too, considered it, but I've hesitated because I've done so much tinkering with my template and html. (Which was a complete pain because I haven't a clue what I'm doing!) So, let me know how it goes. You'll be our little experimental guinea pig. ;)

Kate O'Brien said...

I am so new to all of this I don't even know what beta is - off to google to find out!

Christina said...

I got it and yes I love it. I think it's awesome. As you can see I am fooling around with just about everything including changing my font colors and different things. Who knows what I will eventually end up with but it's fun to try.

Melany aka Supermom said...

Glad you didn't lose anything

Anonymous said...

I am just too happy to still have you around ;-) Hopefully you'll still be here when I check again tomorrow - happy blogging

Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Hmm I need to investigate this beta business...

Blog looks purrrfect!