Friday, June 30, 2006


It's friday and time for another Everyday Things. Jule's over at "Everyday Mommy" started this feature to help us remember the small things around us and embrace contentment. Go to her site to participate or to see a list of others embracing their "Everyday Things".

The smell of onions, olive oil, and garlic frying on the stove. Is there an aroma more heavenly in sight???

The minute I start frying them, the aroma transports me back in time, back to my house in Portugal. I vividly remember sitting on the kitchen floor while my greatgrandmother started lunch or dinner, and it didn't matter what she was making because I always remember the same smell.
It takes me back to the time of innocence, a time where the most important thing in my life were my dolls and my toys, the endless drawings and coloring in's I did, the stories told by my greatgrandma, what it was like when she was a little girl, living through world war I and II, her wedding night, her husband, how to be a good wife and mother.

So now, whenever I stand over my stove and fry the usual onions, garlic and olive oil, I'm quickly reminded of everything she taught me, it's like having a notebook etched in my mind, all the notes taken down of things she said and the minute that aroma fills the air, the words jump out and start dancing around me, reminding me of my childhood and how lucky I was to have such an amazing woman in my life.


Susanne said...

MMMM! Onions and garlic are major in my Hungarian heritage too! Wonderful memories of your grandmother to go with them, too!

someone else said...

That is one of the best smells in the world!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yum!!! What a wonderful memory for you!

Beck said...

Great choice! Is there a better smell in the world when you're hungry?

Maria said...

what a wonderful smell and a wonderful memory.